Film Club's Nearly Normal Signing...

We're delighted to announce the news that London-based animation and design studio Nearly Normal have joined Film Club for commercial representation.

The team are an international collective of highly skilled crafts-people who beautifully and precisely bring paper-based materials to form and motion. Their vibrant style is uniquely identifiable, and their work carries an inherent charm and magic.

Nearly Normal have previously made commercials for Nokia, Blackberry and the NHS, as well as making a long line of paper-based products (such as calendars and other photographic projects in books and magazines).

Please click here to see their most lovely Film Club reel.

Welcome, Nearly Normal. We're all very excited about working you in the future!

Updates From Caroline Across The Channel

Caroline Attia's summer has been a productive one. Having first received a grant from the New Media arm of the French film board for the animated TV series 'Bottled Pirates', Caroline is also working on another recently funding project from the French film board - this time as the projects visual artist. 

'Bottled Pirates' was first created by Caroline with her collaborator Claire Grimond and the project is now fully produced through Sacrebleu productions based in Paris. Updates in due course!

'Mayo, Ketchup, lait de Soja' - which is a TV adaptation of a book written by Gaia Guasti - has received a concept grant from the innovation fund at the French film board. Caroline has been confirmed as the visual artist to put Guasti's word into pictures. We greatly look forward to seeing how Caroline interprets the story.  

Lastly, a short film that Caroline animated and directed has appeared in its full glory online after a long run on the festival circuit. After only a couple of weeks, 'Pinchaque, the Columbian Tapir' has been Vimeo staff-picked and racked up over 160,000 views.  

To watch the full film through Vimeo, please click here. To see the diversity of Caroline's illustration style directing style, please click here

Images (Clockwise from top left): 'Bottled Pirates', Caroline Attia, Pinchaque, the Columbian Tapir' and 'Mayo, Ketchup, lait de Soja'. 

Film Club's Mew Lab win hat-trick of awards over Halloween weekend

Recent Film Club signing Mew Lab won three awards in as many festivals this Halloween weekend with 'The Key' and 'Lady and the Tooth' continuing their recent festival success. 

Alongside giving a talk and hosting an audience Q&A at the London International Animation Festival held at the Barbican, Mew Lab picked up the audience award for their well-traveled short film 'The Key'. 

Mew Lab Director Shaun Clark also took 1st prize at Cornwall Horror Film Festival with 'Lady and the Tooth' on Friday and won a prize at the Canaltown Spooky Film Festival - held in Honesdale, Pennsylvania - on Saturday.

Both films have their inherent Mew Lab strokes, and we're pleased as Halloween punch both Shaun and Kim are being recognized for their continued work. 

To see their reel through, please click here

Marcus Armitage picks up Best British Film at this years London International Animation Festival

We're delighted to announce the news that Film Club's Marcus Armitage took home Best British film at this years London International Animation Festival with his Royal College of Art graduate short film 'My Dad'. 

The film - which runs at 5'50 - was made using oil pastels on paper and depicts a Dad's influence on an impressionable young boy's life. The relationship gives rise to a toxic mix, resulting in a world that strips away opportunity and experience for the young boy.  

Marcus used the film to graduate from the highly respected graduate school in June, and it is fantastic to see the project already doing so well on the festival circuit. 

Talking about the project, Marcus defines the film as existing 'somewhere between a documentary and fiction. A film created from personal experiences, of my own eye opening journey of moving to London, and the prejudices I see around me in people I know or things that I read see or hear'. 

The top right image shows Marcus collecting the award on stage at the Barbican, with the bottom left image showing one brief moment in the progression of Marcus' fantastic project.

Unfortunately, with the film still on the festival circuit, we're unable to screen the film in its entirety, however to watch a trailer of 'My Dad', please click here for a link to Marcus' Film Club directing reel. 

Congratulations, Marcus - we're all super happy for you at 199, Wardour Street!

Caroline Attia Illustrates Interactive Children's Book 'Where's My Whisper'

Film Clubs Caroline Attia has extended the reach of her lovely illustration and animation work from commercials and films to the interactive world of digital apps. Caroline has penned the artwork for Wheres My Whisper - a childrens book developed exclusively designed for the iPad that makes use of environmental factors, such as the weather and the time. These elements then alter the setting of the story and the way the story is understood, offering a tailored voice to the narrative. The story was written and is narrated by CS Sealey.

Wheres my Whisper has so far had hundreds of downloads and been translated into five languages. Its cold out there and its getting dark early pop over to this link to download yourself a copy for £1.99 from the Apple App Store!

For more of Carolines illustrations and animations, please follow this link